"Doing Good. Forever."
Serving Citizens of
Wyandot County, Ohio

The Wyandot County Community Foundation provides a path for individual, families and businesses to achieve their philanthropic goals. Donors are encouraged to create an endowment fund that meets their charitable wishes. Funds focus on solutions to community issues, benefit programs and services of nonprofit organizations, enhance programs of schools and governmental agencies, or offer scholarships to assist students with their education.
Mission Statement
The Wyandot County Community Foundation is a public charitable organization created to enrich the quality of life for individuals and families of Wyandot County, Ohio.
The Foundation’s purposes are to:
develop a permanent endowment for Wyandot County citizens
assess and respond to changing community needs
serve as a mechanism for donors at all levels of charitable giving
provide financial assistance to groups that most significantly will meet the educational, cultural, health, social service and recreational needs of the people of Wyandot County, and
provide leadership on vital issues affecting Wyandot County.

In 1999, 25 Wyandot County citizens with varying backgrounds and interests met with Joy Roth to access the need for a countywide community foundation. A decision to move ahead was made and committees were formed to establish . . .
a mission statement
non-profit corporation designation
board member guidelines
means for investing and managing funds in the interest of the foundation and ways to create public awareness
Goals were met and approved by the originating group and the Toledo Community Foundation was selected to create, invest and manage funds of the newly incorporated Wyandot County Community Foundation (WCCF). Affiliation with Toledo Community Foundation offered the foundation the ability to build assets and make grants while taking advantage of TCF's stability, structure and oversight. In addition, a significant cost savings on administrative and investment services was realized.
A nine member board, representing various factions and geographical areas of the county was chosen. At the first board meeting, January 25, 2001 officers elected were: Jim Deer, President; Bryan Miller, Vice President; Sara Lou Brown, Secretary-Treasurer. Others serving on the board were: Ray Funk, John G. Hunter, Roy Johnson, Randy Myers, Fred Reid and David Wolfe.
In the succeeding years, designated, endowment and scholarship funds were established to start fulfilling WCCF’s mission. In 2007 the board successfully applied for and received a 501(c)3 charitable organization designation under the guidance of accountant and board member John Mizick.
A Community Grant Fund was created in 2013 through a Plant the Seed Fund Raising Campaign. Since that time grants have been awarded annually to deserving 501c 3 organizations and governmental units that serve Wyandot County Citizens.
In 2021, the Foundation celebrated 25 years of "Doing Good. Forever." The Board looks to the future through strategic planning.
Did You Know?
The Wyandot County Community Foundation was established in 2000.
The Foundation is an affiliate of the Toledo Community Foundation.
Volunteer directors representing different areas of Wyandot County serve on the board of trustees.
2022 - 23 Scholarships Were Funded in the amount of $33,821
2022 - 9 Community Grants Were Funded in the amount of $21,724
2022 - $182,340 went to Organizations of the Donor's Choice
WCCF Fund Balance on December 31, 2022 $6,314,976
Total Giving Since 2001 - Over $2.7 Million